[Orchestrator] - Create a possible plugin endpoints, allowing new endpoints developed to be considered as plugin base.
[Orchestrator] - Create a possible plugin endpoints, allowing new endpoints developed to be considered as plugin base.
The concept and design must be discussed deeply, the idea is to have a generic endpoint which would allow calling of specific class being autoloaded.
The idea is to open the API to developers to implement their own plugins if they have a plugin within tasks which would required further processing via Orchestrator.
First Concept
The current version uses a switch case based on the method passed, and the arguments set in tasks.
Line 32
switch ($method) {
case "PATCH":
switch ($object_type) {
case "mail":
$result = $this->gateway->processMailTasks($task);
The new concept would not use the gateway->process but the class set in a folder /plugins/tasks/pluginName.inc
Therefore, the switch case would validate the object_type based on the class_availibility.
processMethod would be generic and should be defined an in development documentation.
We could arrange all new tasks, even the official, in that manners.